63 research outputs found

    Ocular involvement in patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis

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    Department of Ophthalmology and Optometry, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, The 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, September 24-26, 2020Introduction. Ocular involvement in patients with psoriasis are a serious problem due to permanent structural changes that are associated with decreased visual acuity in people of working age. Psoriatic arthritis could lead to ocular findings in approximately 10% of patients. It's difficult to find an optimal treatment method considering the variety of mechanisms and immune factors that are involved in the pathogenesis of the disease. TNF inhibitors have revolutionized the evolution of patients with psoriatic uveitis, but the accessibility of this treatment is a matter of time. Aim of the study. Establishing the frequency of ocular involvement in patients with psoriatic arthritis and determining the effectiveness of different methods of treatment. Materials and methods. This review was based on the literature findings from 1976 to 2017. This procedure led to an overall of 17 original articles that were used to support this study. This study consists of a summary of our current knowledge in the pathogenesis and treatment of patients with psoriasis and ocular findings. Results. It has been found that people with psoriatic arthritis and severe forms of psoriasis have a higher risk of uveitis compared with control group. Conjunctivitis has a prevalence of 19,6%, followed by uveitis (7-25%), iritis (7,1%), dry eye syndrome and episcleritis. Pathogenetic treatment is the most efficient in these patients. New agents like TNF inhibitors have placed traditional treatment method with corticosteroids on the second place. Adalimumab is effective in 68% of patients, and remission was maintained in 39% of patients after one year of treatment. On the other way, it has a high rate of adverse reactions, like pulmonary embolism, congestive heart failure etc. Conclusions. 1. Patients with psoriatic arthritis have a higher risk of developing ocular complications compared to simple forms of psoriasis. 2. Uveitis is a common complication in patients with psoriatic arthritis and has a high recurrence rate. 3. TNF inhibitors are the most effective method of treatment in psoriasis to the detriment of corticosteroids

    Another facet of man – Red deer relationship in prehistory: Antler exploitation at the Eneolithic settlement at Hârșova-tell (Constanţa County, Romania)

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    The significant quantity of antlers identified in the Gumelniţa A2 level in different stages of processing, from finished objects to consumed debitage waste, motivated us to try to reconstruct the management of the modalities of this raw material, of the processing techniques used and activities developed with the help of antler tools. In other words, the series of antler-made tools presents an important evidence of the activity of the Hârsova-tell community. The mentioned series reunites all the conditions for achieving such a study: the numerical importance of the remains, the good conservation stage – which allows for the identification of technological and functional traces – the variety of types of pieces etc.V plasti Gumelnita A2 prepoznana večja količina rogovja v različnih stopnjah obdelave od končnih izdelkov do odpada nas je usmerila v poskus rekonstrukcije nadzora nad modaliteto te surovine, uporabljenih tehnik obdelave in razvoja dejavnosti, ki ga omogočajo rožena orodja. Povedano drugače, serija orodij, izdelanih iz rogovja, predstavlja pomemben dokaz dejavnosti skupnosti naselbine tipa tell Hârsova. Omenjena serija ima vse pogoje za izvedbo takšne študije: kvantifikacijski pomen ostankov in dobra ohranjenost najdb – kar omogoča prepoznavanje tehnoloških in uporabnih sledi, tipološka raznolikost itn

    Generalized quasiconvex set-valued maps

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    The aim of this paper is to introduce a concept of quasiconvexity for set-valued maps in a general framework, by only considering an abstract convexity structure in the domain and an arbitrary binary relation in the codomain. It is shown that this concept can be characterized in terms of usual quasiconvexity of certain real-valued functions. In particular, we focus on cone-quasiconvex set-valued maps with values in a partially ordered vector space

    L'écart d'efficience dans l'optimisation vectorielle

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    Generalized unimodal multicriteria optimization

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    The aim of this paper is to characterize the sets of weakly-efficient solutions and efficient solutions for multicriteria optimization problem involving generalized unimodal objective functions. An implementable algorithm which completely determines these sets is given for the particular framework of discrete feasible domains

    Traffic assignment: on the interplay between optimization and equilibrium problems

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    Motorists often have to choose routes helping them to realize faster journey times. Route choices between an origin and a destination might involve direct main roads, shorter routes through narrow side streets, or longer but (potentially) faster journeys using motorways or ring-roads. In the absence of effective traffic control measures, an approximate equilibrium travel time may result between the routes available, which is generally expected to be far from optimal. In this paper, we investigate discrete and continuous optimization and equilibrium-type problems, for a simplified traffic assignment problem on a simple network with parallel links and fixed demand. We explore the interplay between solutions of certain optimization and equilibrium problems which can be solved by dynamic programming. The results are supported by numerical simulations, in which the price of anarchy is calculated to highlight the demand levels where there is a change in road choice and usage.Ovidiu Bagdasar’s research was partially supported by the research grant CNCS/CCCDI UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-1835, within PNCDI III. Nicolae Popovici’s research was supported by a grant of the Romanian Ministry of Research and Innovation, CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0190, within PNCDI III

    Формирование здорового образа жизни – проблема общественного здоровья

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    Centrul de Sănătate Publică raional Ungheni, Conferința ştiinţifico-practică naţională cu participare internaţională ”Promovarea sănătăţii – o prioritate a sănătăţii publice” 22-24 iunie 2016 Orhei, Republica MoldovaAccurate and specific source coming from the experienced medical specialist and is explicitly and professionally explained with the highest dose of confidence for the representative and the target audience that needs to be informed. The classic slogan for the prevention system is well known „An informed citizen is a citizen who can protect himself”. In this context, being fully informed on the risk factors for one’s own health that it is certain that each of those who are informed and trained will make a unique conclusion – the risk factors will be excluded from the occupational habitual and environmental areas Гигиеническое обучение является ключевым элементом в укреплении здоровья населения, оно обеспечивает доступ декретированного контингента к источникам информации достойного доверия, которая исходит от опытного медицинского персонала, которая передается в доступной форме целенаправленной аудитории, по конкретной тематике. Таким образом, лица прошедшие гигиеническое обучение информированы о том, как самому не заболеть, а также как не способствовать заболеванию других людей. Общеизвестен афоризм классической профилактической медицины, который гласит: «Информированный гражданин – это человек, который может сам защититься от воздействия факторов риска». В этом контексте, следует отметить что лица, которые прошли гигиеническое обучение, будучи полностью информированы о влияние факторов риска на уровне собственного здоровья, будут стремиться к оздоровлению окружающей, профессиональной и жилищно-бытовой сред

    Unele valori terapeutice cardiovasculare ale hipoxiei normobarice repetate

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    Hipoxia normobarică repetată a fost aplicată la pacienţii cu hipertensiune arterială esenţială şi cardiopatie ischemică, angină pectorală de efort, pe fundalul medicaţiei specifice. Trainingul hipoxic în camere individuale speciale (10 şedinţe consecutive a câte 30 min) a condiţionat un set de beneficii (care s-au comparat cu efectele terapiei standard): micşorarea mai substanţială a valorilor TA şi ale FCC, creşterea mai evidentă a timpului maxim de efort fizic, în asociere cu ameliorarea indicilor funcţionali cocardiografici şi amplificarea mai considerabilă a potenţialului sistemului antioxidant